Sundar PichaiSundar Pichai earned $164M in 2023

Corey Thomas

CEO of Rapid7


B.E. in electrical engineering and computer science from Vanderbilt University and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.

Field of Expertise

Technology & Engineering - Engineering


October 1, 1976 - 48 years ago

Economy Sector


Current Tenure

12 years 4 months (Oct 2012 - Present)

Previous Experience

Held various roles at Rapid7, including serving as Chief Operating Officer.

Corey Thomas is the CEO of Rapid7, Inc., where he has been steering the company since 2014. With a background in technology, he holds a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and an M.B.A. from Harvard...



Total Compensation




Board Justification

The compensation program is designed to align executive compensation with company performance, emphasizing performance-based components to drive long-term value creation for stockholders.



Board Justification

The annual performance bonus for 2023 was based on achieving corporate performance goals, with a payout of 70% of the target due to performance metrics not being fully met.



Board Justification

Represents matching contributions made under the Section 401(k) plan.

Restricted Stock

$956.03K(7.4K RSU)

Board Justification

The number of fully vested restricted stock units (RSUs) awarded in lieu of cash bonus payment for performance in 2023, granted on February 15, 2024.

Performance Metrics

The performance metrics for the 2023 bonus included Non-GAAP Operating Income Margin and Annualized Recurring Revenue (ARR).